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Connecting to the Wiencloud cloud service


Connecting the Weintek industrial panel to cloud storage using a specific example

Task: To display information from the Weintek cMT2108X2 panel to the Wiencloud cloud.
1. Go to the site https :// www.
2. If you do not have a Weincloud domain or you want to get a new domain, click "Register" in the login window.


After you fill in the required information and click "Register", the system will send a confirmation email. Follow the instructions in the email to confirm the registration. Having successfully created a domain, you will be able to log in as an administrator, where username=admin.
3. Next, go to the Device tab and click Add HMI

4. Next, fill out the form, select Dashboard, then select 90 days free trial.

To find out the Hardware Key, you need to connect the panel to Ethernet and log in to the panel's webserver with Administrator rights. The default password is "111111".

Go to the Weincloud - EasyAccess 2.0 section

Copy the "Hardware key" value and return to the cloud site.
5. In the open Add HMI window (see item 2), insert the newly copied Hardware key and write an arbitrary Nickname.
6. To send data from HMI to the Weincloud server, you must first add tags on the Data Source tab in the control panel, and then match these tags with device addresses in EasyBuilder Pro. After the matching is complete, the device address values can be displayed in tags on the Data Source tab.
To add a group or tag, select Default HMI and click Edit.

Then Add Tag and fill in the data.
Data Type: Available data types include Boolean, Int, Float, String. Let's choose Float.
History: set Yes, i.e. we will save the historical tag data in Weincloud. The maximum number of tags with a history per HMI is 100, and the tag history storage period is 1 year.
Interval: The interval for recording data. The unit of measurement is seconds, the range is 5-60 seconds. Set 5 s
The maximum number of tags per HMI is 500.
Create a tag called tag.423, type Boolean.


7. Next, go to EasyBuilder Pro and create a test project for our panel. Add a switch and a light bulb, associate them with the variable LB-00010.

To bind a variable to the Weincloud tag, go to the Weincloud menu tab, then Dashboard.

In the window that opens, tick Enable, then click Settings and enter your Weincloud registration data there.

Next, Log in, OK and try to synchronize.

Tag appeared.423. Next, click OK and in the next window, double-clicking on the tag, set its correspondence to the internal variable of the panel.
In our case, this is Tag_4 with the address LB-00010.

Or it is possible to create a user tag with this address:

8. Upload the project to the panel.

9. Check whether the data is transferred to the Weincloud cloud. Go to the cloud site in the Data Source section and see that there is no connection.

10. Let's check the connection of the panel to the Internet. To do this, in EasyBuilder Pro, we will add to the project a synchronization function with the NTP server and an indicator that will turn on if there is no connection. To do this, go to the system settings:

Next, on the "Time Synchronization /Daylight Saving Time" tab, set up synchronization:

And add a light bulb, tying it to the value of the parameter LB-12055:

11. Upload the project to the panel. We see that the light bulb is on, i.e. there is no synchronization.
After some thought, the idea comes to check the network settings in the web interface of the panel.

Yes, that's right, the address of the Internet gateway, i.e. the router, is not set. We set the standard and voila, the light goes out.
The connection status changes on the Weincloud Dashboard tab:

Data began to flow into the cloud!

12. Now you need to create a project to visualize the panel in the cloud. To do this, go to the Project tab and click Create New Project:

Set a name, create a project and then click Edit Project:

Create a lamp and link it to the tag tag.423:


Then Publish, copy the link to the visualization page. Follow the link and check the work:

Everything works.

Thus, the connection of Weintek panels to the Weincloud cloud is quite simple to configure and suitable for visualizing processes. The minimum polling interval of 5 seconds sets some restrictions on managing fast processes. Also in the article there was no goal to understand the pricing policy of the service, which requires a separate
#Cloudwiencloud, #Programingweintek

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