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The estimate of the automated control system

An example of an estimate for the creation of automated control systems


Name of the construction site: Development of Terms of Reference and Terms of Reference for the creation of an automated control system for engineering systems of the facilities of the waste incineration plant "Vektra", Bogulma

Drawing No. Name.dwg

Specification for the supply of equipment No. 06-04-02-PO

(Local estimates)

for Supply of equipment

Object name: Process control system for a waste processing plant


The estimated cost is 9311.84 thousand rubles.

Normative labor intensity 0 man-hours.

Estimated salary 0.00 thousand rubles.

Compiled (a) in the price level for 3 square meters. 2014

No. pp Code, numbers of standards and codes of resources Name of work and costs Unit. rev. Number of units Price per unit of measurement, rub. Correction coefficients Conversion coefficients, number of TOTAL costs, rub. Ref.

ZTR, total person-h

We are standing. units from the beginning, rub.

#Preparationofestimatesfordesign, #Costestimate, #determinationofthecostofwork

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